How to Use AI to Make Your Younger Self Hug Your Older Self
Have you ever wished you could give your younger self a big hug? Well, now you can! Thanks to cool AI technology, you can create a fun video of your younger self hugging your older self. It's like magic! Let's learn how to do it step by step.

What You Need
Two pictures: one of your younger self and one of your current self
A smartphone with Instagram
The Runway AI app
Step 1: Get Your Pictures Ready
First, find a cute picture of your younger self and a nice picture of how you look now. Make sure both pictures show your whole body, so the AI can see how to make you hug!
Step 2: Make a Collage
Open Instagram on your phone.
Use the collage feature to put your two pictures side by side.
Save the collage to your phone.

Step 3: Fix the Collage
Go to your phone's gallery.
Find the collage you just made.
Rotate the collage so both pictures are standing up straight.
Save the rotated collage.
Step 4: Use the AI Hug Tool
Now comes the fun part! We're going to use a special AI tool to make the hug happen.
Open your web browser and go to RunWay.
Click on the "Try AI Hug" button.
Upload your collage picture.
In the description box, type "hugging each other".
Click the "Generate" button and wait for the magic to happen!
What Happens Next?
The AI will look at your pictures and create a short video of your younger self and current self hugging. It's like time travel, but with hugs!
Why It's Cool
Using AI to hug your younger self is super fun, but it's also a nice way to show love to who you used to be. It's like telling your younger self, "Don't worry, everything will be okay!"
Try It Yourself!
Now that you know how to use AI to make your younger self hug your older self, why not give it a try? It's easy, fun, and might just make you smile. Remember, you can always visit to create your own AI hug videos anytime!
So, are you ready to give your younger self a big, warm, AI-powered hug?